Decisions decisions decisions

I am still waiting to find out if I have been accepted to graduate school. The waiting is driving me a tinsy bit mad. Either I am continuing on with my schooling/traveling/living the good life, or, I am getting down to the work grind. I think the most daunting issue is that I have no clue what I want to do. I seem to be under the belief that I will be swept up by a moment of clarity, while at school, and I will suddenly become aware of my career path. However, in actuality, I know it is just a way to stall going into the real world. Perhaps I could take a career aptitude test, like in the movies, and I will be given the perfect job, based on my skills! I’m not actually sure that career tests work that way though 😦  For now a doom cloud floats above my ahead, and it will either rain on my parade, or make way for the sun. *sigh*