Stretch it out

I used to do yoga fairly often. However, once I moved to Amsterdam I had to scrap yoga from the budget. I still like to challenge myself with new poses. So, I creep the yogi’s on Instagram and get some inspiration for moves I can learn. I am pretty strong, so I like to try out all of the arm balance poses. Also, I am constantly working on the flexibility in my back, so I also gravitate towards the hollow back poses. Recently, I saw a cool hollow back position on Insta that I thought I would give a try. Its basically a traditional hollow back, but you cross your leg over top of your other one and it adds extra pressure allowing you to go deeper into the pose. After a few tries I could definitely feel myself getting a deeper stretch. I need to make a more conscious effort to practice yoga. I have lost most of my flexibility, and I would like to work on getting it back. Hopefully I can start adding some late night yoga sessions into my routine before bed!


Electric Run

Electric Run

Usually I stay away from any sort of marathon related activities. I can run for a short distance, but anything more than 5km is a huge stretch for me. So, imagine my surprise when I found out that the electric run was only 5km!! I feel like it is the universe telling me to participate 😉 It also helps that this happens to be the coolest track I have ever seen Electric Run happens all over the world, so you should check out if it is going on in your city! It is like a big glow in the dark, trippy, neon explosion. At the end of the run is a hugeee party with a light show and dj. It may be the best reason to exercise that I have ever been given. I cannot wait for registration to open! This perfectly combines my love of partying with my slight fondness for exercise/being in shape.

Breath it in

Breath it in

During one of our transitions in yoga today, the instructor said, “hands to the earth, palms to the heavens, and hearts to the sky.” She was encouraging us to connect mind, body and soul with our practice. Im not an overly spiritual person, but these words really resonated with me. Sometimes, I walk around with my head in the clouds. I obsess over useless things, and lead my heart with negative emotions. I want to bring myself back down. Open myself up to criticism, and try and change my faults. When I feel down, I really drown in it. Im hoping that I can open myself up to fixing this type of attitude. I am in control of my energy. If I feel like mine is down and depressive, I need to lean on those around me who are positive and uplifting. There is nothing wrong with feeding off of each others energy. I don’t want to drown anymore. It is time to learn how to swim.

Yogi bear?

Picture 2

Alright, so I am trying to hop on the yoga bandwagon. Yoga is all about the harsh reality that you are not as good at life as you think. We can be calmer, more flexible, more open, and a plethora of other yoga mentalities. Getting there is the challenge. The person on the left is how I think I look doing yoga. However, the beauty on the right, is me actually attempting yoga (plus an added cat tail photo bomb). So, what have I learned? Yoga is about dropping your ego. We can’t all be superstars, it takes time to become talented. It is kind of refreshing to look at yourself, and realize you look like an idiot. Ill get better eventually…hypothetically… But for now, I will bash my ego, and let myself just suck at something.