Summer crafts

Summer crafts

I like to take on little projects during summer because it gives me an excuse to sit outside and pretend its not just so I can tan :p Rest assured, I have also been wearing sunscreen, so it is PG 13 tanning. So far, I have completed two projects. The beaded one is an anklet, and the string one is a bracelet. I have never made a string bracelet before, and let me tell you, it took HOURS. I had no idea they took so long! I even consulted my bestie to see what it was like for her because I wasn’t sure if I was just slow or if that was the norm. She confirmed that it is in fact the norm. Its such a shame though, they look so pretty! I wish they didn’t take up so much time. I also purchased a crappy 1 euro bracelet with some charms on it, I’m going to break it open and scrap it for parts. Ill reuse the charms on the bracelet and make my own base. Im pretty excited to continue making bracelets, I want to have a nice stack for summer. I may even be nice and make some for my friends 🙂 Crafts are a really fun way to entertain yourself, and I think I may even diversify my projects and move out of the jewellery field to something new. Im just not sure what yet! If you have any ideas, let me know.

Cant stop, wont stop

Cant stop, wont stop

I am kind of addicted to making bracelets. I was fiddling around with some left over string, and I came across this idea for a bracelet. Super simple, and really pretty (at least I think so ;)) I have never created anything from scratch before, so I was pretty proud of myself for thinking of this. I need to go buy some more string so I can diversify my color palette. I would love some dark blue and purple to add to the collection. With all the rainy days we have been having in Toronto, this has been the perfect cure for the bad weather blues!

Rainy days

Rainy days

Im not sure what happened with the weather gods, but they decided that Canadians did not deserve a summer this year. It is already June, and our highs have been between 18-20 degrees. Last summer, it was already in the late 20’s by end of May! This is becoming rather depressing.

So, to cure my rainy day blues, I will make bracelets until the sun decides to shine. Although, I fear I will have more bracelets than I do arms before the sun comes out. If I turn into a bracelet monster, Ill be sure to let you know 😐